Paper and Cardboard recycling

Paper and Cardboard

All uncontaminated paper and cardboard collected by ntrs is recycled. The material is compressed into large 1 ton bales ready for transport. ntrs supply paper and cardboard to pulp and paper mills around Australia and the world for pulping to produce recycled paper and cardboard products like office paper, newspaper and cardboard cartons.

All cardboard boxes should be FLATTENED to maximise space in bins

what can I put in my cardboard and paper bin

  • Boxes
  • Paper
  • Newspaper
  • Magazines
  • Food Waste
  • Any Plastic
  • Waxed Boxes
  • Polystyrene
  • Foil Wrappers
  • Glass
  • Tissues
  • Paper Towel
  • Dust/Dirt
  • Aluminium
  • Steel
01 boxes
03 newspaper
05 junk mail
01 Food Waste
04 Polystyrene
07 Tissues
Aluminium Cans icon
02 paper
04 magazines
06 brochures
02 Any Plastic
Foil wrappers icon
08 Paper Towel
11 Steel
03 Waxed Boxes
06 Glass
09 Dirt

Formula to calculate environmental saving for recycled paper & cardboard - 1kg

tree x 0.013 = 1 tree
x 0.0025 = 1 Barrel of oil
x 4.1 = Kilowatts of electricity
(1366 kw is the average use per month for a home)
x 31.78 = Litres of water saved
(1 average back yard swimming pool = 21187)
x 0.004 = 1 Cubic metres of landfill
x 3 = 1 kilograms of carbon dioxide


  1. The reduction in paper use is based on the following conservative estimates: page savings will only be realized for
    approximately 50% of documents (a 1.5 page paper would gain no reduction in paper use for margin reductions), 50% of
    paper is used for printing or photocopying printed documents, and 19% more area available with 0.75” margins. Thus the total
    reduction in paper use is 0.50x0.50x0.19 = 4.75%. Mueller Policy Paper #1: Reduce Standard Margin Settings.
  2. Claudia Thompson, in her book Recycled Papers: The Essential Guide (Cambridge, MA: MIT
    Press, 1992), reports on an estimate calculated by Tom Soder, then a graduate student in the Pulp and Paper Technology
    Program at the University of Maine. He calculated that, based on a mixture of softwoods and hardwoods 40 feet tall and 6-8
    inches in diameter, it would take a rough average of 24 trees to produce a ton of printing and writing paper, using the kraft
    chemical (freesheet) pulping process. [URL:]
  3. The State of the Paper Industry: Monitoring the Indicators of Environmental Performance. A collaborative report by the
    Steering Committee of the Environmental Paper Network Environmental impact estimates were made using the Environmental
    Defense Paper Calculator. For more information visit
  4. Environmental impact estimates were made using the Environmental Defence Paper Calculator. For more information
  5. Resource Information Systems, Inc., RISI Long-Term Pulp and Paper Reviews. RISI: Bedford, MA, July 1995, p. 52.
  6. Abromovitz and Mattoon, Worldwatch Paper: Paper Cuts, p. 20, 1999
  7. OECD Environmental Outlook, p. 218
  8. "Paper Efficiency…What it is and how to achieve it," Bruce Nordman,
  9. "Clean Technologies in U.S. Industries: Focus on the Pulp and Paper Industry." United States-Asia Environmental
    Partnership (Washington, D.C.: September 1997)
  10. a: Assumes that a typical new wood frame home uses 15,000 board-feet. b: Assumes the flow through the Bridal Veil,
    American and Horseshoe Falls at Niagara Falls is 750,000 gallons/second. c: Assumes the average household uses 104 million
    BTUs of energy each year. d: Assumes an average driving distance of 200 miles per week.
  12. Greenprint:
    *Calculations are based on averages and estimates ascertained from ntrs